Principles and Applications of Miniaturized Near/Infrared (NIR) Spectrometers

Research Paper


This review article focuses on the principles and applications of miniaturized near-infrared (NIR) spectrometers. This technology and its applicability has advanced considerably over the last few years and revolutionized several fields of application. What is particularly remarkable is that the applications have a distinctly diverse nature, ranging from agriculture and the food sector, through to materials science, industry and environmental studies. Unlike a rather uniform design of a mature benchtop FTNIR spectrometer, miniaturized instruments employ diverse technological solutions, which have an impact on their operational characteristics. Continuous progress leads to new instruments appearing on the market. The current focus in analytical NIR spectroscopy is on the evaluation of the devices and associated methods, and to systematic characterization of their performance profiles.

Publicado em:
Chemistry Europe
Tecnologia NIR
Data da publicação:
August 21, 2020
Dr. Krzysztof B. Beć / Dr. Justyna Grabska / Prof. Christian W. Huck
Leopold-Franzens University /
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