neospectra en fábricas de piensos


Obtenga resultados de análisis precisos e instantáneos de ingredientes, mezclas y piensos procesados con una inversión mínima.


Solve Key Challenges Across the Food & Beverage Supply Chain

The food and beverage industry faces several challenges in ensuring product consistency, and quality control. NeoSpectra’s on-site analytical platform helps overcome these challenges with real-time solutions

Variations in raw materials can compromise product quality.
Analyze ingredients upon arrival to prevent errors and reduce variability.
External labs delay results, causing production lags.
Skip lab wait times with instant, on-site analysis to keep production moving.
Ensuring batch consistency requires frequent, costly tests.
Conduct real-time batch testing to maintain consistency.
Inefficiencies in raw material use drive up costs.
Optimize ingredient use with real-time analysis to cut waste.

Facing Similar Challenges ?

Talk To Our Experts

End-to-End Testing Solutions Tailored for Your Industry

From portable analyzer to cloud-based data management, NeoSpectra offers everything you need for fast, accurate testing and seamless integration into your existing processes.

NeoSpectra Scanner
Handheld spectrometer for instant, accurate NIR analysis on the go.
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Scan App
Gain detailed insights into sample composition, including
 key parameters.
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Conformity App
Quickly determine if samples meet defined quality thresholds
with pass/fail results.

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Cloud Portal
An interface that facilitates decision-making based on aggregated results and centralized reports
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Boost Efficiency and Quality in Food & Beverage Operations

NeoSpectra empowers on-site analysis, enabling precise decisions and streamlined workflows to enhance production outcomes.
Not sure how this works for you?
Book a Free Consultation

Empower Fast Decisions

Get lab-quality insights on-site within minutes, enabling immediate quality decisions without disrupting workflows.

Reduce Testing Costs

Perform unlimited in-house tests, reducing reliance on external labs and saving operational costs.

Enhance Quality Consistency

Ensure uniformity in key parameters across all production stages reducing the risk of errors and maintaining standards.

Empowering various Stakeholders Across the Supply Chain

Enable your team with real-time data and accurate testing to support and boost productivity.

Quality Control Managers
Detect adulteration and inconsistencies in ingredients and products.
Production Managers
Optimize production efficiency by ensuring ingredient quality and reducing delays with fast, on-site testing.
Food Regulators
Conduct quick on-site tests to detect ingredient inconsistencies, verify label accuracy, and support product authenticity across batches.
Procurement Specialists
Assess raw material quality upon arrival to make data-driven purchasing decisions, reducing risk and ensuring input quality.
R&D Managers
Innovate and improve product formulations by testing ingredients and prototypes quickly and accurately on-site.
Supply Chain Managers
Track and verify quality data at every stage, from suppliers to final distribution, ensuring consistency.

See How NeoSpectra Works for Your Team

Get a FREE Consultation

Comprehensive Analysis for a Diverse Range of Food Products and Ingredients

Analyze key parameters at once to ensure quality and consistency from raw materials to finished products

carne, aves, pescado

leche y productos lácteos

hierbas como especias

frutas verduras

molienda de harina

granos cereales


café té

aceites, jarabe, miel

Unique Features Tailored for Business Success

NeoSpectra Scanner combines a set of unique features that streamline analysis processes, optimize efficiency, and enhance workflows. It delivers precision-driven solutions for improved decision-making in diverse applications across different industries.

Food Manufacturers

Quick screening of raw materials and verify consistency of finished products

Food Distributors

Ensure the integrity of food products during storage and transport

Food Retailers

Conduct quick quality checks before placing products on shelves

Food Service Providers

Ensure consistency of ingredients with quality standards

Food inspectors

Swiftly identify inconsistencies and quality issues

See what our Clients have to say

Luis E. Rodriguez-Saona

The achieved accuracy, affordability and the higher handling of NeoSpectra than the other traditional field spectrometers, probably make this device more and more exploitable in soil survey and monitoring.

análisis en tiempo real de kristen chapman
Especialista en comercialización de productos lácteos

Cuando enviamos algo al laboratorio, tardamos unos dos días en obtener los resultados. Al obtener esos resultados en tiempo real con una tecnología NIR portátil, podemos actuar más rápido con nuestros productores y clientes, lo que es realmente importante para nosotros y para ellos.

Comparación de christiaan kapper con otros dispositivos
Líder mundial de NIR

NutriControl probó muchos dispositivos/empresas portátiles de NIR. ¡La calidad del dispositivo determina su éxito! NeoSpectra tiene actualmente el dispositivo más preciso.

flexibilidad de michael leviton
Director técnico y comercial

La plataforma NeoSpectra y las calibraciones INGOT de AB Vista brindarán a los clientes de AB Vista la máxima flexibilidad para medir sus materiales allí donde se encuentran y obtener una comprensión en tiempo real de su sistema de alimentación.

Anna Palou -Fácil de manejar

Un instrumento NIR portátil y versátil, fácil de manejar para mediciones de campo. Equipado con una copa giratoria para muestras no homogéneas, proporciona resultados inmediatos en su teléfono móvil. Ideal para controlar las verduras y mejorar su calidad final.

Preguntas frecuentes

Can NeoSpectra measure ingredients both before and after processing?

Is NeoSpectra suitable for in-line testing during production?

Can the NeoSpectra Scanner analyze frozen food samples?

¿El escáner NeoSpectra es adecuado para condiciones ambientales difíciles?

¿Está preparado para agilizar los procesos de análisis de su empresa?

Vea NeoSpectra en acción y descubra cómo puede mejorar sus flujos de trabajo de análisis. Complete el formulario para solicitar una demostración y estaremos encantados de guiarlo a través de sus características únicas.

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